I am dog.


Joined on 4/6/15

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> 100,000
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The analytics are in, and in the name of synergy the IndustryStandard have begun our pivot to video! This can't have any possible downsides or repurcussions!

in all seriousness, I've started messing with visualizers in Unity so I can start sharing my songs on tiktoc and whatever. Unfortunately I'm more of a prgorammer, and an amateur one at that, so they're going to be pretty basic for a while as I get comfortable and find inspiration with the particle system and trail renderer, and figure out how to do anything with the lighting settings. If anyone reading this wants to help out, any and all advice/recommended tutorials are appreciated, I'd even be willing to pay per video if you want to make them for me (I am... VERY lazy, and really have no passion for this side of the project at the moment).

Here's what about 3 hours of work has gotten me so far (2 of those hours being learning how to use the asset I bought):


and here's the song on NG if you just want to listen to that:


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Available for Work

Music and videogames, I got the beeps!

What I'm most known for on NewGrounds is audio, primarily making synthetic beats and loops usually intended as background music. I also play guitar and sing, but I don't have a very good set up for recording instruments at the moment. Aside from composing, I'm a competent audio engineer when it comes to mixing and mastering, and can even edit podcasts and other voice recordings to make them sound clean and professional.

I started programming a couple years ago, and finished my first commissioned game in 2021. It was a simple 3d world played in a web browser, where you could open links to other websites and talk to NPCs. Different actions earned points, and there was even a live chat that allowed you to talk to other players (though there was no multiplayer beyond that). You can find that game here, as well as my other games on itch.io.

I write mostly as a hobby, but I've been doing it for so long and gotten enough critical feedback that I've grown into a decent story crafter. I started writing as a form of wish fulfillment in high school, completed my first book in my early 20s, then proceeded to rewrite that same book four times while writing short stories on the side over the proceeding five-or-so years. Each time the book got better -- and I think I ended up with something half decent -- but rather than work on one project forever until it was "perfect", I decided I would rather finish it up and move on. You can find the first handful of chapters on my medium page, and the full book, Mettle, is published on Kindle.

As far as voice acting goes, it's just something I enjoy. I've always been told I have a very characteristic voice, and I'm pretty flexible with it too. I'm not shy about showing emotion to embody a character, but for the moment you'll have to take my word for it (or ask for me to record a sample of your choice).

Here's where you can find my work:

Music: Right here!

Games: https://megaperson.itch.io/

Writing: https://medium.com/me/stories/public

Vice Acting: I got nothin'. I'm working on finding collabs to build my portfolio, but I'm willing to do a bit of sample work if you want someone a little more committed and are willing to give me a chance.
