The analytics are in, and in the name of synergy the IndustryStandard have begun our pivot to video! This can't have any possible downsides or repurcussions!
in all seriousness, I've started messing with visualizers in Unity so I can start sharing my songs on tiktoc and whatever. Unfortunately I'm more of a prgorammer, and an amateur one at that, so they're going to be pretty basic for a while as I get comfortable and find inspiration with the particle system and trail renderer, and figure out how to do anything with the lighting settings. If anyone reading this wants to help out, any and all advice/recommended tutorials are appreciated, I'd even be willing to pay per video if you want to make them for me (I am... VERY lazy, and really have no passion for this side of the project at the moment).
Here's what about 3 hours of work has gotten me so far (2 of those hours being learning how to use the asset I bought):
and here's the song on NG if you just want to listen to that: