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IndustryStandard's News

Posted by IndustryStandard - April 19th, 2018

New Track: Lights Underground

Here's another new track, a game loop again but this time a bit lower, slower, and dirtier. I spent a fair amount of time on this one tweaking and mixing, but i think I've done about all I can do with it.

On a personal note, the last song I posted is now sitting at a one star rating, which bothers me because since I don't have time to do much promoting, that's probably the last anyone's ever really going to listen to it. Rather than rant about how butthurt I am (very, if you were curious) I'd just like to say please rate and review! Even if you truly didn't like it, the more the better as at least that will give me and the community at large a better idea of how good or bad the song truly is as opposed to one person branding the song as shit.

Til next time!

Posted by IndustryStandard - April 2nd, 2018

New song: Rain Rider

I got a bug up my ass about messing around with sidechaining the other day and ended up making one of my best loops yet (after forgetting how to sidechain and looking up a youtube tutorial for the billionth time). I'm pretty proud of this one, and of course there's always room for improvement in any project but it's always super gratifying to make something that sounds like something that would have inspired me at one point in the past and then writing a run-on sentence basically just to suck my own dick about how much i like my own music.

I hope everyone else likes it as much as i do!

Posted by IndustryStandard - October 5th, 2017

I made a new loop! An old friend and I are working on a simple RPG maker game, this is maybe going to be one of the songs in it? No real information on the game itself, other than there may be a farm in it and an enchanted forest.,so if you're some kind of mystical creature from the midwest, your demographic is now represented in the indie games.



Track: Sexy Ghost

Posted by IndustryStandard - June 28th, 2016

I haven't been posting much lately, but i just want to let you all know it's only because I have increadibly low self esteem and hate everything i do. just kidding. kinda. anyway

I just posted a new song, Technautical, my first attempt at a straight up techno track. Is it technically techno? I don't tech-know aha..haha. ha... Sounds kinda cool though, definitely give it a listen!

I also posted a game loop, Talking with Shadows, a while ago and forgot to make a post about it sooooooooo here ya go. a dark, atmospheric loop with some fun echo and drum work.

Both these songs i made for a friend of mine currently working on a game. No info on release dates or anything like that yet, but i hear through the grapevine that they have a semi-playable alpha up and running; not a whole lotta content yet but the foundation is down. 

Posted by IndustryStandard - February 24th, 2016

By royal decree victor gets the spoils. Click here to find out why: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/672936

Posted by IndustryStandard - February 4th, 2016

And I've made a new song! Do you want to hear it? because I want to you hear it. I bet you want to hear it. But do you want to hear it more than you want to feel like you aren't subject to the whims of your curiosity, eh? THAT is the question. or is it just A question. both? possibly. I don't claim to have all the answers. Anyway here's a link


Posted by IndustryStandard - January 11th, 2016

I don't know how to simplify

Hey, y'all wanna hang out and get real sad together? You don't even have to, with the new and improved http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/663394 !!!

Sticking with the theme of guitar and vocals, I've written a new song, and it has a story, and that story is that it is sad. If you are sad, or for wahtever reason would like to be sad, you should listen to this and either be like "yah bruh i feel your feels" or "yeah bruh those are the feels i would like to feel" and proceed to maybe empathetically feel those feels along with the songs narrator(voiced by your's truly because i voice act in my own songs). But alas, I am hungry, so. bye.

Posted by IndustryStandard - January 4th, 2016

AHA BUT WHAT IS THIS?? IT'S A NEW MUSIC. newsic. nusic. nu stick. nude stick. nude's dick. give it a lick. I mean listen. whatever. 


But the important question is, would you be interested in a trailer that had this playing behind it? because i have one for sale, and nobody wants to buy it. They keep saying stuff like "I don't think that trailer is yours" and "How did you get this number?" and "BOY I'MA SWEARIN RIGHT UP TO THUH GUD LOWERED IF YOU DON' DUN STOP TRYIN'A SELL MY MO-BILE HOME I'MA SHOOCHA I SWEARA GAHD." hahaha people are weird

Posted by IndustryStandard - December 27th, 2015

Oops i did it again. I made a new song. I hope it's not lame. oh baby, baby.

That's right i ref B-spears what of it. 

I've been working on a few new tracks for an indie game currently in the works, I don't want to give away too much detail because I have no details to give away but trust me: It's gonna have many colors... I assume. This is the track in question: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/660673


Seriously though, I'm crazy excited to be working on this project, it's pushed me to try a few new things and made me think differently about my music than i have before. I'm still improving on my music every day and I've got a ways to go but this has been fun and different, and I'm crazy excited to see the game when it's finished. More details on that to come!

Posted by IndustryStandard - December 5th, 2015

I upgraded to windows 10 and now Reason doesn't crash my computer! It took some coaxing to get it W10 to get along with my mootherboard but they're good friends now. or at least casual acquaintainces. It's hard to tell with computer hardware and operating systems. The point is, they have a good working relationship now, and it's saving HR a ton of time and resources. Corporate is pleased. Raises. Synergy. Etc.

Anyway, here's a new song I'm working on: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/657234